The much awaited 2018/2019 School of Nursing (SON), LUTH application form is out. The steps to apply are given below:
- Go to the SON website at
- From the SON website click on SON Portal button or go to
- From the portal home page click on Make Payment button (You need to make payment first before you can complete your form).
- Fill in your correct details and select your preferred payment options (Online Payment Through ATM or Payment at the Bank).
- If your option is Bank Payment, An RRR code will be generated for payment at the Bank Counter.
- After successful payment, proceed to fill the Application Form (Note: that your e-mail and password supplied during payment will be used as your User ID and Password to log into your account).
- Upload your passport photograph (Not more than 30KB in JPG or PNG format).
- Print your Exam slip and receipt from your account.
- Please note that the closing date is Friday, 1st of June, 2018 and the first phase of entrance exam is Saturday, 9th JUNE, 2018.
- Submit a copy of the printed Application Form to School of Nursing, Luth-Idiaraba, Lagos.
APPLICATION FEE: N7,000 (Seven Thousand Naira Only.)
NOTE: We have online tests that can prepare you for the SON, LUTH aptitude test. See how to access it at this blog post: Online tests to prepare you for success in Unilag entrance exams (CBT) aptitude tests

Pls when is the form going to close?
The closing date was not published.
Pls is the form still on sale
No. The current session’s application process is over. The next application form will be out February 2019.
Is the general nursing form out or not?what if my waec certificate is not ready yet can I also apply.
Yes you can apply with awaiting result. But your result must be out by the time SON begins considering applications.
The 2018-2019 SON, LUTH admission application form is out.
Please do they collect 2 sutting, that is waec and GCE of different year
Yes two sittings from exams conducted by WAEC are fine. Even if they are of different years.
pls when is the form closing date?
The closing date was not publishes.
But i have seen the closing date available on your site.
which is … Application Form
Closing Date: 1st June 2018
The closing date was not publishes.
Does it mean it’s not correct?
You are correct Olamide. The closing date has now been published as 1st June, 2018. The first phase of entrance exams hold on 9th June, 2018
Please how many phase does the exam have?…. And does it have a guide on the topics to read???
Dear Joy, the exam has three phases. See this blog post and read about the three phases:
The closing date for 2018-2019 SON application form has been published as Friday, 1st June 2018
The closing date for 2018-2019 SON application form has been published as Friday, 1st June 2018
when is the from closing date pls
The closing date was not published.
The closing date for 2018-2019 SON application form has been published as Friday, 1st June 2018
The closing date for 2018-2019 SON application form has been published as Friday, 1st June 2018
Goodday pls would you have tutorials for those applying into luth school of nursing.
Yes we do. Call 08138420491.
Hi pls my question is can i study Bsc nursing with a 3.49 gpa in a biological course (cell biology and genetics) in unilag using direct entry. I Graduated from unilag.
Direct Entry by BSc for Nursing was not stated in the D.E. requirements for Nursing in Unilag. But it could be possible.
C’mon since you are a graduate of Unilag you should know the office to go direct and ask your question. Try the Admissions Office at the Senate Building, Unilag.
Pls, in my own case whereby two sittings is required,does it means I would have to make use of the two certificates or either of the two?what if one of the certificate is not ready I would I go about it?
Both O-level results from the same examination body must be ready for viewing during your interview.
Pls how much is the school fees?
About N160,000.
When will they start screening at son luth
First things first, sit for the first stage examination on June 9, 2018.
Iam a graduate of computer science but now want to have my degree in nursing.. Do i need to get my testimonial to apply ? Aside my result in neco or waec?
Your NECO or WAEC is sufficient.
Can they use an awaiting result for son luth
Your result must be out by admission time.
How much is school fees and hostel fee for son luth
School fees is about N160,000.
Can one live outside the hostel like going from the house
Yes one can live outside the hostel and come to school from home.
Please where or how can i get past questions on d admission exam or what exactly 2 read for the coming exams?
Call 08138420491
Am so confused about d school fees I saw 230000# for post basic nursing and 100,00 for miscellaneous fees and 45,000 for hostel what does dat mean .and u said d school fees is 160,000
School fees for basic nursing programme is about N160,000.
What is d differences between post basic nursing and basic programme nursing .what did dey specialised on. Please I need more explanation
At the end of basic nursing programme you become a Registered Nurse (RN). Post basic nursing programme is a programme you begin after qualifying as an RN. An example of post basic nursing programme is training as a midwife in the School of Midwifery
How many years is d training
3 years.
After the 3 years as an RN how can one upgrade her certificate to nurse
You apply by direct entry (D.E) through JAMB using your RN qualification results.
The general nursing form and midwifery form with anesthetic nursing form , re they going to be out together or re the forms different from eachother that they won’t b able to b out at the same time
General nursing is different from Midwifery. While General nursing is a basic nursing programme, Midwifery is a post basic nursing programme. To qualify to apply for a post basic nursing programme (e.g Midwifery) you must have completed a basic nursing programme (e.g Registered Nurse).
please how is the fees paid?….
The school if paid full in order to complete your admission and registration process.
just wanna write my neco dis year in 2018 and I think d form would have closed b4 neco exam is been written so can I use awaiting result and cum and collect d form den maybe after my neco I would submit it
Make your NECO results in the required 5 subjects before applying for the SON form.
pls how do I get to know the real time of my exam and date
I mistakenly filled the wrong number
Hell Faith, ensure to be at the exam venue in LUTH by 7am on Saturday, June 9 and ask an official if by then you have not received notification of your exact exam time.
What is d differences between post basic nursing programme and basic nursing programme
At the end of basic nursing programme you become a Registered Nurse (RN). Post basic nursing programme is a programme you begin after qualifying as an RN. An example of post basic nursing programme is training as a midwife in the School of Midwifery.
Please which is now the accident and emergency program
Not this one
If they re not given us past questions to read ahead for d entrance exam,so what re they going to give us to be fully prepared for the entrance exams
Reach me on WhatsApp via 08092327228 and I can share with you the recommended way to prepare by Nurses who have passed the way you are on.
OK sir
So how can I get the form
Follow the steps listed in this blog post.
D general nursing re collecting basic nursing programme form , no need of basic programmes anymore?
What do you mean?
So we re paying for the form online
When is d registration starting I mean d date . I want to know now so maybe my awaiting result would have been out before dat time.
From June.
What should be done when the portal keeps saying login not successful. How can it be resolved
Try another browser.
Bt a doctor told me d exam form will due 14_3_2016 dat I should pay 10,500 for d form dat I don’t need to sit for d exam my weac result will work for me is it true
Not true.
If d registration is starting from June that means they don’t accept awaiting results
One thing at a time. Apply if you want to have a chance to be admitted this 2018.
I contact sonluth admin telephone number today this morning ,I was told that the form has closed and am still seeing June 1st on internet as d closing date .I want to ask if truly the form as closed
You are advised to abide by the information published at the School of Nursing, LUTH website.
Good day, can an undergraduate apply for this?
Yes, if the undergraduate meets the requirement and can commit to the full time SON programm.
Make your O-level results in the required 5 subjects before applying for the SON form.
Is post basic nursing form accident and emergency on sale at LUTH?
I do not have that information. Visit LUTH to find out.
Please I really I want to know if the form as closed
The form is still on sale till June 1, 2018.
How much is fees for intake student i mean ssce
About N160,000
Thank u sir that is what I want to know God bless u sir.
You are welcome.
Pls is it compulsory I pay online?
No. But that is the recommended way.
Can I visit the school for my payment?
Yes you can.
is there any age limit to study at luth nursing school,am 16 can I apply I have meet up my o level requirements
You can apply
Please when is the admission time
Because i want to use awaiting result and the result we be out by August
The first set of entry exam/interview will hold June 9.
what are the things I need to take along with me
if going to the school to make payment?
I will be going there tomorrow
Pls can I use neco awaiting result for school of nursing
Yes, but your results must be out by admission time.
Pls can we use neco awaiting results for school of nursing at luth
Yes, but your results must be out by admission time.
Is d exam cbt or written…?
The first stage is CBT.
When are we supposed to submit the form printed and filled to d school..?
As soon as you can complete the form and submit it. But before June 1, 2018.
The exan is in how many stages….?
After the cbt is the interview right…?
The exam is in three stages. After the CBT is the interview.
i didnt make my jamb but can I apply my o level is complete
Yes you can apply. You do not need JAMB/UTME to apply for SON form.
Please is there age limit to apply for SON
I’m 16 yrs old, can I apply for the SON in luth.
2. I’m writing waec now ,can I apply .
3. Do they have has hostel inside campus there
4. How much is school fees for fresher .
5. Wat is d diff in certificate in nursing sch. & university degree nursing .
Hello Ade. Answers to your questions.
1. Yes 16 years can apply.
2. It will be safer to know your O-level result before applying for SON form. But awaiting result doesn’t stop you.
3. Yes there is hostel inside LUTH.
4. School fees for fresher is about N160,000.
5 When you go through School Of Nursing 3 year training you become a Registered Nurse on successful completion of the programme. Going through University gives you BSc after 5 years.
You are welcome.
After spend 3years in nursing school ,and you want to go for BSC nursing , will I write jamb again or direct entry .and if direct entry , how many years for bsc nursing .
As a Registered Nurse you can apply for Direct Entry through JAMB to a university to pursue BSc certification. You would not need to write UTME.
So that’s going into 200level and that’s 7years as a whole??
After submitting the form . will they give me past questions to read ahead and prepare for the entrance exam .
When would the application form be submitted is it on or before the exam dates
Application must be submitted by June 1, 2018
Pls which application form
Please Sir what is the cut of mark for Luth
This programme does not require UTME.
Please am writing my waec now and the result will be out by August and I want to apply for son . can I ???
The results must be out by registration time.
U said the registration will start around June and she said her result will b out around August will she b able to make it .sorry for asking sir
The first stage examination is what will hold in June.
Pls what is d cutoff mark for luth exam
First things first, sit for the exam on June 9. Cut-off marks are only determined after the exam and it is based on performance of candidates in the exam.
When will they start screening
First things first. Write the entrance examination on June 9.
I have gotten my form already, also I heard that nursing is now 4 years in Luth.. Is it true?
You have to be specific about the Nursing programme you are referring to.
I’m 27years old can I apply for son luth
Yes you can.
Pls sir is son offering part time studies.
I do not know.
What’s this Son all about, is it for those that want to do nursing, and is it a bsc program. Plz can u enlighten me on it.
This application is for those who want to train to become a Registered Nurse (RN). It is not a BSc. program.
Goodday…pls can I use two sitting in waec gce cus I want to apply for d form .pls if it’s possible reply me cus am going to get d from by monday.
Yes you can use two sittings to apply for SON form.
Pls sir the applicant personal details that is printed is it supposed to be submitted
One copy is to be submitted at the School of Nursing, LUTH.
When is the admission time?
Around August – September.
When will admission be given
When the admission process is done with.
Can awaiting result be used for the Luth school of nursing
How Does The Oral Test Looks Like
You will present yourself before faculty staff of SON LUTH and you will be asked questions on your admission application and your fitness for the programme.
pls ma after d exam on d 9th of june , wat follows? du we av anoda exam?
After the first phase exam on the 9th of June, those who pass that first phase exam will be shortlisted for a second phase examination.
Read this post that talks about the three phases of the SON entrance examinations:
Pls wat are the subjects we are writing on june 9
You are writing an aptitude test on June 9. Get a feel of it with this online test:
Wat are the five subject required in my neco
English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
What are the subject requirements for SON in LUTH?
The subject requirements for SON in LUTH are English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
What if i don’t have chemistry nd physics
You do not meet the requirements for admission to the SON if you do not have o-level credit passes in Chemistry and Physics.
Pls i thought june 9 we will be writing chem phys bio maths eng and current affairs
On June 9 you will be writing an aptitude test. Know about the nature of the SON entrance examinations at:
Pls june 9 wat are the subjects we are writing cos am confused
You will be writing an aptitude test on June 9. Get a feel of an aptitude test by taking this free online test at:
will they send us notification of our score after the exam?. And how do we know if we are admitted.thank you.
Results of the first phase will be released two weeks after the exam. Those who pass the first phase will be invited to write the second phase exam.
what are the print out am taking along for the exam
You are to bring the coloured printout of your completed application form with you.
Is it cbt or theory questions I.e paper and pen.
The first phase exam is objective. In 2017 it was paper based.
Wat if i don’t have chemistry nd physics can i still obtain d form
Wat are the print out I should take along to the exam on Saturday
The coloured printout of your completed application form
Gud morning pls when will the nursing list be out
The results for the first phase examination have been released.
Go to School of Nursing, LUTH to check if your name is on the list of candidates invited for the second phase exam on Saturday June 23. The list is pasted at the administration block.
I will like have an update of SON on my email box,Thanks!
That can be done. Subscribe up to our mailing list at: LagTutor Mailing List
Pls,can u text me a know if my name is there or not
For which stage or phase of the exams?
1st stage cos i did not see any sms and amount around plssssssss
The admission process for the 2018/2019 session had been concluded.
Pls if u did not go for the first phase of the exams,can u go for d second one
sir, please when is the 2019/2020 registration form going to be out
and where exactly is the tutorial centre for the examination
The 2019/2020 SON application form will be out in February 2019.
Sir, please
Are there any lessons you could advice we attend in preparation for the exams apart from the online tests
Yes Rezi, you can attend our lessons begining in January 2019.
Please is the form still out?
No. Till February 2019.
Good morning, I tried taking the aptitude test I saw in the previous comments but I was told the link had expired, could you send another link?
sir!! pls do they have age limit? I’m 29 of age, m doubting if they will accept.
29 years is fine Opeyemi.
Please am 16 can i apply for the form? and where can I get the past questions and how much?
Yes Pius you can apply for the form when it comes out in February. You can get the past questions from us for N2500. Call or WhatsApp 08092327228.
pls i need an update of 2019 /2020 academic session
when will the form be out nd the amount
and the steps to take in processing the admission
with the school fees and other fees to pay
The form is out. See the steps to take at:
when in february will the form be out
Dear Omowunmi, the 2019-2020 SON admission application form is out. See:
please i have 4credits and d7 in physics.will it be accepted?
No it won’t be accepted.