Procedure for Online Registration and Verification for School of Foundation Studies (University of Lagos) 2016/2017 academic session

Unilag Foundation Studies Entrance examinations passed

Procedure for Online Registration and Verification for School of Foundation Studies (University of Lagos) 2016/2017 academic session.

Verification/Registration: Wednesday, 14th September 2016 to Friday 16th September, 2016

Venue: Multi-Purpose Hall A, University of Lagos, Akoka
Time: 8.00a.m.
Lecture Begins: Monday, 19th September, 2016.

Please Read through the following instructions carefully

All Prospective students are required to come with original copies of the following documents

O’Level Result

Birth Certificate

School Testimonial

Procedure for Online Registration:

Go to

Click on “Student login”

login with your application number (e.g. A123456) as username and surname in lowercase as password.

You are required to change your password immediately.

Click on “Update Biodata” to carry out all necessary updates (Compulsory) and print Biodata form

Click on “Generate fees” and thereafter click on “view Pay Advice” to print your pay advice.(Pay advice at this stage is only for Acceptance fee)

With pay advice in hand, Proceed to the bank to make payment of Acceptance fee.

After payment, go online to print out your letter of acceptance.

Fill out the form and proceed for verification.

Note that you will be required to register your three subjects for JUPEB examination at the verification centre.

Thereafter return to and relogin to generate another pay advice (this time, Pay advice will contain all other fees (the option to pay 50% of Tuition is available on the page)

With pay advice, proceed to the bank to pay the other necessary fees.

Source: School of Foundation Studies, University of Lagos