It has been over four weeks now since the 2019 Unilag post UTME held and since then results have been released as well as the cut-off marks for the various courses. However, what most candidates and parents are waiting for as of today October 4, 2019 is the admission list.
This wait has kept many nervous as the admissions committee compiles the list of candidates who have met the requirements for the various courses on offer. This list will be forwarded to JAMB who have the authority to offer admission to candidates.
The first place a candidate will know if they have been offered admission is on their CAPS portal with JAMB. That is where candidates will be offered admission by JAMB and every candidate will have the option to accept or decline the offer.

For every candidate who sat for the 2019 UTME the initial status was ‘NOT ADMITTED’. This status has changed to ‘ADMISSION IN PROGRESS’ for some candidates and in the following weeks it will change to ADMITTED after a candidate accepts an admission offer, or, to ‘NOT ADMITTED’ for those who decline the offer or who do not meet the requirements for admission.
So, the place to pay attention to is the JAMB CAPS portal and we wish all concerned the best of luck!