All candidates for Unilag post UTME screening are to reprint their exam pass to reflect the new changes regarding post UTME exam venue.
To reprint your exam pass:
- Go to
- Click ‘Continue Application’;
- Enter your UTME registration number and surname (in small letters) in the fields provided. This step should login successfully;
- Click ‘Print Exam Pass’ to print your exam pass. This step will cause your updated exam pass to download in PDF format.
That is it.
Best wishes in your exam.
NOTE: Do you know that you can practice for the Unilag post UTME using the LagTutor Android CBT app? Prepare for success with questions and answers. Get the app from Google play store at:

gd afternoon , i tryed reprint my unilag post utme slip it printed but didnt show my passport on the slip , i made a complain on the portal and even tryed several times but it still didnt show my passport but printed my slip. what shd i do .
The 2020 post UTME has been postponed. Try re-printing the slip again in middle of December.